Source code for AYABInterface.communication.host_messages

"""This module contains the messages that are sent to the controller."""

[docs]class Message(object): """This is the interface for sent messages."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file, communication, *args, **kw): """Create a new Request object""" self._file = file self._communication = communication assert self.MESSAGE_ID is not None self.init(*args, **kw)
[docs] def is_from_host(self): """Whether this message is sent by the host. :rtype: bool :return: :obj:`True` """ return True
[docs] def is_from_controller(self): """Whether this message is sent by the controller. :rtype: bool :return: :obj:`False` """ return False
[docs] def init(self): """Override this method."""
MESSAGE_ID = None #: the first byte to identify this message
[docs] def content_bytes(self): """The message content as bytes. :rtype: bytes """ return b''
[docs] def as_bytes(self): """The message represented as bytes. :rtype: bytes """ return bytes([self.MESSAGE_ID]) + self.content_bytes()
[docs] def send(self): """Send this message to the controller.""" self._file.write(self.as_bytes()) self._file.write(b'\r\n')
[docs] def __repr__(self): """This message as string inclding the bytes. :rtype: str """ return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.as_bytes() + b"\r\n")
def _left_end_needle_error_message(needle): return "Start needle is {0} but 0 <= {0} <= 198 was expected.".format( repr(needle)) def _right_end_needle_error_message(needle): return "Stop needle is {0} but 1 <= {0} <= 199 was expected.".format( repr(needle))
[docs]class StartRequest(Message): """This is the start of the conversation. .. seealso:: :ref:`reqstart` """ MESSAGE_ID = 0x01 #: the first byte to identify this message
[docs] def init(self, left_end_needle, right_end_needle): """Initialize the StartRequest with start and stop needle. :raises TypeError: if the arguments are not integers :raises ValueError: if the values do not match the :ref:`specification <m4-01>` """ if not isinstance(left_end_needle, int): raise TypeError(_left_end_needle_error_message(left_end_needle)) if left_end_needle < 0 or left_end_needle > 198: raise ValueError(_left_end_needle_error_message(left_end_needle)) if not isinstance(right_end_needle, int): raise TypeError(_right_end_needle_error_message(right_end_needle)) if right_end_needle < 1 or right_end_needle > 199: raise ValueError(_right_end_needle_error_message(right_end_needle)) self._left_end_needle = left_end_needle self._right_end_needle = right_end_needle
@property def left_end_needle(self): """The needle to start knitting with. :rtype: int :return: value where ``0 <= value <= 198`` """ return self._left_end_needle @property def right_end_needle(self): """The needle to start knitting with. :rtype: int :return: value where ``1 <= value <= 199`` """ return self._right_end_needle
[docs] def content_bytes(self): """Return the start and stop needle. :rtype: bytes """ return bytes([self._left_end_needle, self._right_end_needle])
[docs]class LineConfirmation(Message): """This message send the data to configure a line. .. seealso:: :ref:`cnfline` """ MESSAGE_ID = 0x42 #: the first byte to identify this message
[docs] def init(self, line_number): """Initialize the StartRequest with the line number.""" self._line_number = line_number
[docs] def content_bytes(self): """Return the start and stop needle.""" get_message = \ self._communication.needle_positions.get_line_configuration_message return get_message(self._line_number)
[docs]class InformationRequest(Message): """Start the initial handshake. .. seealso:: :ref:`reqinfo`, :class:`InformationConfirmation <AYABInterface.communication.hardware_messages.InformationConfirmation>` """ MESSAGE_ID = 0x03 #: the first byte to identify this message
[docs]class TestRequest(Message): """Start the test mode of the controller. .. seealso:: :ref:`reqtest`, :class:`InformationConfirmation <AYABInterface.communication.hardware_messages.TestConfirmation>` """ MESSAGE_ID = 0x04 #: the first byte to identify this message
__all__ = ["Message", "StartRequest", "LineConfirmation", "InformationRequest", "TestRequest"]